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Synthewomia is a Swiss-American Synth-Pop Band. Teass Bright gives the Band the Spirit and Lightness of Hot South Florida. And Nancy Berie is the Windy and Wavy Spice like California Weather. The two Women feel equally connected in the USA as well as in Switzerland. Taess Bright and Nancy Berie Rock the Stage - and a lot of Technology. Not since the Days of Jean Michel Jarre have there been so many Synthesizers wired up and running on a Stage. The 2 women operate and Master the old and famous Nostalgic Synthesizers from the 70's and 80's as well as the current Modern Music Technology and use them to create breathtaking Athmo Sound with scratchy Arpeggio Beats. Spacious Vocoder Voices, Sampling, Talk Boxes, crazy Controllers with Analogue Synthesizers, E-Saxophone, Xylosynthesizers, Electronic Drum-Sets, Simmons SDS Drums, Digeridoo and Keytars are also part of the Equipment, as are the Classic Keyboards and Modern Synthesizers. Taess Bright's unique Power Voice excellently rounds off the bounty of this reborn 80's Synthpop Sound.